
外研版 ▏八年级下册第五单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

奇速英语 2023-02-12




外研版 ▏八年级下册第一单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏八年级下册第二单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏八年级下册第三单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏八年级下册第四单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

Module5 Cartoon stories


1. cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n]漫画;动画片

2. handsome ['hænsəm]漂亮的;英俊的

3. smart [smɑ:t]机灵的;聪明的

4. sky [skaɪ]天;天空

5. fight [faɪt]v.与…战斗/n.战斗;斗争

6. cool [ku:l]时髦的;酷的

7. hero ['hɪərəʊ]英雄;男主角

8. humorous[ˈhju:mərəs]幽默的;滑稽的

9. can’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事

10. laugh [lɑ:f]笑;发笑

11. lesson ['lesn]经验;教训

12. orange-and-white['ɒrɪndʒ]橙白相间的

13. ugly ['ʌɡlɪ]难看的;丑陋的

14. win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心

15. schoolbag ['sku:lbæg]书包

16. lead [li:d]领导;率领

17. clever ['klevə(r)]聪明的;机灵的

18. as [əz]当…时

19. mess [mes]脏乱;凌乱

20. heaven ['hevn]天国;天堂

21. expect [ɪk'spekt]期盼;等待

22. artist [ˈɑ:tɪst]艺术家;画家

23. invent [ɪn'vent]发明;创造

24. copy['kɒpɪ](一)本;(一)份

25. black-and-white黑白的

26. own [əʊn]自己的

27. private ['praɪvət]私人的;个人的

28. create [krɪ'eɪt]创造

29. satisfy [ˈsætɪsfaɪ]满足;使满意


can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事

keep doing sth 一直做某事

it’s time to do sth 到做某事的时间

make a terrible mess 弄得一团糟

all over the world 全世界

even since 从那以后

the same as... 和...相同

learn from 向...学习

win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心

come out 出版;发行

ever since 自从

as well as 既……又……,不但……而且……

come out 出版

come to life 苏醒过来;表现生动

in the future 在将来,在未来

more than 超过;多于

ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物

the number of… ……的数量


1. It’s time to watch a cartoon. 到看动画片的时间了。

2. Let’s watch Superman! 让我们看《超人》吧!

3. Why don’t we watch Spiderman? 我们为什么不看《蜘蛛侠》呢?

4. I don’t think we agree. 我想我们不同意彼此。


1.handsome 英俊的

handsome 形容词,意为“(男子)漂亮的;英俊的”

He looked handsome and healthy. 他看上去英俊而健康。

辨析:handsome, beautiful, good-looking与pretty

handsome 英俊的 ,主要指男子相貌等方面长得“英俊”

beautiful 美丽的 ,一般指女子的“美”,也可用来指事物




He is a handsome young man. 他是一位英俊的年轻人。

She is a beautiful girl. 她是个美丽的女孩。

She is good-looking. 她长得很漂亮。

They have a pretty daughter. 他们有个漂亮的女儿。

2.It’s time to watch a cartoon. 到看动画片的时间了

It is/was time to do sth. 意为“该做某事了;到做某事的时间了”,与It is/was time to do sth.同义。

It’s time to have breakfast.=It’s time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。

It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school. 该去上学了。

It’s time for us to go home. 我们该回家了。

3.Let’s watch Superman! 让我们看《超人》吧!

let’s是let us的缩略形式,后接动词时用动词原形,常用于提出建议,否定形式是let’s not do sth.,意为“让我们不要做某事”。肯定回答一般用“Ok./All right.”;否定回答时一般用“Sorry,I…”。

Let’s look at the map. 让我们看看这张地图。

Let’s not play here. 咱们不要在这儿玩。

辨析:let’s与let us

let’s 包括讲话者的谈话对象在内Let’s try it again. 让我们再试试吧。

let us不包括讲话者的谈话对象在内Let us do it by ourselves. 让我们自己做这件事吧。

4.He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. 他能在空中飞过,与坏人作斗争。

(1) through介词,意为“通过,穿过”。

They often drive through the village. 他们经常开车穿过这个林子。

解析:through, across与cross



across动词意为“穿过,越过,渡过”,相当于go across

He passed through the hall. 他穿过大厅。

The river runs through the city. 这条河从这座城市流过。

Go across the bridge, and you’ll find the park. 走过这座桥,你就会找到公园。

The old man is crossing the road. 这位老人正在过马路。

(2) fight及物动词,意为“与……战斗;反对”,可直接跟宾语。

They fought their enemies bravely. 他们勇敢斗敌。


They fought against the enemy fiercely. 他们猛烈地还击敌人。

She was always fighting with her neighbor about the fence.


5.He keeps fighting bad people. 他不断与坏人作斗争。

keep doing sth. 意为“不断做某事,反复做某事”,表示持续不断地做某事。动作是主语本身发出来的。

He kept working all day. 他一整天都在工作。

He kept asking us to remember teamwork. 他不断地叫我们记住团队合作。

【拓展】keep sb. doing sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,keep在这里有“使……处于某状态”之意,doing的动作不是主语来完成,而是由宾语sb.来完成的。

I keep them waiting at the gate. 我让他们在大门口等候。

Mr White kept me waiting for him for four hours. 怀特先生让我等了他4个小时。

6.I don’t think we agree. 我想我们不同意(彼此)。

I don’t think 是一个否定前移的句式。当I/We think(believe/suppose/expect…)后接含有not的否定句时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。

I don’t think he is right. 我认为他是不对的。

I don’t believe he will come. 我相信他不会来。

I believe my brother has never been late for school. 我相信我的弟弟上学从不迟到。


7.I can’t help laughing when I watch them! 当我们看到他们的时候我禁不住笑!

(1) I can’t help doing sth. 意为“禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事”。

When he heard the news, he couldn’t help crying. 当他听到这个消息时,禁不住哭了起来。

She couldn’t help smiling. 她禁不住笑了。


laugh表示出声地笑,有时指大笑;laugh at意为“嘲笑”

smile表示微笑,指面部露出高兴的表情;smile at意为“对……微笑”

His joke made us laugh. 他的笑话使我们大笑起来。

Don’t laugh at others. 不要嘲笑别人。

She smiled her thanks. 她微微一笑表示感谢。

The two girls are smiling at the camera. 这两个女孩儿在对着照相机微笑。

8.Sometimes they protect each other and work together. 有时他们相互保护、通力合作

protect动词,意为“保护”。常与介词from连用,构成短语protect sb. from sth.意为“保护……免受……的伤害”。

Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun. 戴墨镜可以保护你的眼睛不受阳光刺激。


Parents try to protect their children from danger as far as possible.


辨析:protect…from…, stop…from…, prevent…from…与keep…from…

(1) stop / keep / prevent…from…意为“阻止……去做……”,动词所接的宾语是要被阻止的对象;而protect…from…中,动词所接的宾语是要被保护的对象。

(2) stop / prevent…from…中使用主动语态时,可省略介词from,而keep…from…中的from不可省略。在被动语态中from均不可省略。

He tried his best to stop / prevent her(from) going to the south, but he failed.


In order to keep her from going out, he locked the door.


Unit2 Monkey King has just had his 50th birthday. 猴王刚过完他的50岁生日。

1….but both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world.


win the heart of sb. 意为“赢得某人的心”。

She won the heart of everyone in the theatre. 她深得剧场里每一位观众的喜爱。

The children has quite won the heart of the old woman.


2.They always expect to see more Monkey King cartoons.



He is expecting her letter. 他在盼望着她的来信。

She experts to go there next week. 她期望下周去那儿。

He expected her to go with him. 他期望她同他一起去。

I don’t expect that he has done such a thing. 我预料他不会做出这种事来。

3.He works for a newspaper and has lots of exciting experiences.



Did he tell about his experiences as a driver? 他告诉你他当司机的经历了吗?

It’s a pleasant experiences to have a picnic with friends.



He is a man of great experience. 他是一个经验丰富的人。

He has had much experience in this kind of work. 做这项工作他有丰富的经验。

4.Fans have bought about 200 million copies of Tintin’s stories in more than fifty languages.



He was reading a copy of the daily newspaper. 他正在看一份日报。

Each winner will be given a copy of a Modern English Grammar.



Would you copy this letter for me, please? 请为我复印一下这封信好吗?

I copied out her notes into my notebook. 我把她的笔记抄在了我的笔记本上。

(2)more than意为“超过;多于”,后常接数词。

The lady is more than forty. 那位女士40多岁了。

More than one man was killed. 被杀害的不止一人。

【拓展】more…than 比……更……

I was more sorry than angry. 与其说我生气,还不如说我感到遗憾。

He earns more money than he can spend. 他赚的钱用不完。

5.Snoopy lives in his own private world and finds real life hard to understand.



That’s her own idea. 那是她自己的主意。

You should do your own part. 你应该尽自己的责任。


This car is mine. I own it. 这辆车是我的,我拥有它。

Who owns the bike? 这辆自行车是谁的?

6.Charles Schulz created Snoopy and his friends, and drew the cartoons to satisfy older people as well as children.



The two pictures were both created in Song Dynasty. 这两幅画都创作于宋代。

They began to create a new world. 他们开始创造一个新的世界。



Another new song has been created by the singer.



Do you know who discover America? 你知道谁发现的美洲吗?


Edison invented the electric light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯。

(2)as well as此处用作连词,意为“既……又……”“不但……而且……”。可以连接名词、形容词、动词、介词等两个并列的成分。as well as强调的重点在前者,翻译时要先译后者,再译前者。

He speaks Spanish as well as English and French. 他不但会讲英语和法语,还会将西班牙语。

The girl is lively as well as healthy. 这女孩既健康又活泼。

He as well as my classmates is going swimming on Sunday.


注意:as well as连接两个并列成分作主语时,其句子的谓语动词要和前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。

7.The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films.



He came to China as a tourist five years ago. 他五年前以游客的身份来过中国。




You will grow wiser as you grow older. 你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。



As rain has fallen, the air is cooler. 因为下过雨,空气比较清爽。

Unit3 Language in use 语言运用


1.Do you mind if I borrow your book? 如果我借你的书你介意吗?


I don’t mind a joke, but this is going too far.


Do you mind my opening the window?

=Do you mind if I open the window? 你介意我打开窗户吗?

---Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?

---Not at all. / I’m sorry, but I do. 毫不介意。/ 对不起,请不要抽烟。


Why did you change your mind? 你怎么改变主意了?

She can’t make up her mind. 她不能下决心。

2.So I asked my mother for some green vegetables. 因此我向母亲要些绿色蔬菜吃。ask sb. for sth. 意为“向某人要某物”。

Did you ask your boss for a pay increase? 你请求老板加薪了吗?

She asked him for advice. 她向他征求意见。

【拓展】ask for sb. / sth. 意为“要求见某人/要某事物”。

Did anyone ask for me? 有人要找我吗?

Wouldn’t you ask for something to drink? 你不想喝点东西吗?

3.Why does Betty not think the cartoons is funny at first?

为什么贝蒂起初认为动画片并不有趣at first 意为“当初,起初”,与后来发生的事相对照。

At first I didn’t want to go, but I soon changed my mind.


【拓展】first of all 意为“首先,第一”,说明顺序,是时间上或一系列行动的开始,常接next,then等。

First of all, open the windows.

Then turn off the gas and, if necessary, call an ambulance.


4.They told stories using pictures. 他们用图画讲故事

tell及物动词,意为“讲述;告诉”。tell后常跟双宾语,即tell sb. sth. 后tell sth. to sb.意为“告诉某人某事”。tell sb. to do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事”,其否定形式是tell sb. not to do sth. 意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。

Will you tell me a story? 你能讲个故事给我听吗?

Tell him not to come tomorrow. 叫他明天别来。


tell意为“告诉,讲述”,后常跟双宾语My grandpa often tells stories to us.


say强调“说”的内容What do you want to say?


speak可指说某种语言,还可指说话的能力Can you speak English?


talk意为“交谈;谈话;谈论”Who are you talking to?


5.Artists created Felix the Cat to satisfy the growing number of cartoon fans.


the number of 意为“……的数量”。

The number of students in our class is 50. 我们班学生的数量是50。

辨析:the number of与a number of

the number of意为“……的数量”后接复数名词,但谓语要用单数;常跟large,small等词作表语;

a number of意为“大量;许多”,相当于many接复数名词作主语时,谓语用复数形式;number前可加small,large,huge等表示程度;

The number of the students in our school is 2,000. 我校学生的数量是两千。

A number of the students are playing football. 许多学生在踢足球。

6.He appeared in 1928, first in a black-and-white film without sound…



A man can’t live without water. 没有水人就不能活。

7.They will probably be popular for many more years in the future.


in the future 意为“将来,未来”。

In the future, shopping can be done by videophone.


辨析:in the future与in future

in the future将来,未来指将来的某些时间,但不一定是从现在就立即开始

in future今后,从今以后指从说话时开始的全部将来时间

My brother wants to be an actor in the future. 我弟弟将来想当一名演员。

You can’t go out alone in future. 今后,你不能单独外出。




1.Snoopy lives in his own private world. 史努比生活在他自己的私人世界里。

2.We watched Superman yesterday. 我们昨天看过了《超人》了。

3.He has been popular for over eighty years. 80多年来,他一直受欢迎。




She often does her homework in the evening. 她经常在晚上做作业。(习惯性的动作)

He visited Guilin in 1998. 他1998年游览过桂林。(只说明去桂林的时间)

Jill has bought a new computer. 吉尔买了一台新电脑。(着重点是现在有了一台新电脑)



(1) be动词的一般现在时形式:am, is, are。

(2) 动词have的一般现在时形式:have,has。

(3) 其他行为动词的一般现在时形式有动词原形和第三人称单数形式;一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式;而现在完成时的谓语基本构成是“助动词have/ has+过去分词”。


一般现在时的时间状语主要有:always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, on Sundays, in the morning/afternoon/evening等;一般过去时通常与yesterday, last week, two years ago, just now, in 2002 等表示过去的时间状语连用;而现在完成时则常与just, already, ever, never等副词和these days, this week, since…, for…等表示一段时间的状语连用。

We play football in the afternoon. 我们在下午踢足球。(一般现在时)

Did you see the film last night? 昨晚你看过这部电影吗?

He has lived in Beijing for 8 years. 他在北京住了8年了。



1. 美国的一些卡通人物也为许多中国孩子所熟知,如唐老鸭、米老鼠、汤姆与杰瑞。

2. 中国也制作了许多动画片。在所有中国的动画人物中,你最喜欢机智勇敢的猴王(Monkey King)与哪吒(Nezha),因为不管多么凶恶的(ferocious)敌人总能被他们战胜。


Dear Jane,

Thank you for telling me so much about cartoon characters from America. Some of the characters you told me are also familiar to Chinese kids. For example, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry are well known to almost every child in China.

China has also produced many cartoon TV plays or movies. Among all the Chinese cartoon characters, I like Monkey King and Nezha best because they are brave and clever. They can beat all their enemies, no matter how ferocious they are. I believe you will fall in love with them if you see them one day.








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