
外研版 ▏七年级下册第八单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

奇速英语 2023-02-12




外研版 ▏七年级下册第一单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第二单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第三单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第四单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第五单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第六单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研版 ▏七年级下册第七单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

Unit7 It's raining


hair [wə:k] n. 头发

gold [ɡəuld] n. 金色; 黄金; 金牌

forest ['fɒrist] n. 森林

once [wʌns] adv. 一次; 一回

upon [ə'pɔn, əpən] prep. 在……上; 到……上

once upon a time从前

decide [di'said] v. 决定

go for a walk散步

basket ['bɑ:skit] n. 篮子

notice ['nəʊtis] v. 注意到

all alone独自一人的

dark [dɑ:k] adj. 黑暗的

pick [pik] v. 采; 摘

pick up拿起; 举起

soon[su:n] adv. 立刻; 不久

lost [lɒst] adj. 迷路的

around [ə'raʊnd] prep. 环绕着

little ['litl] adj. 小的

towards [tə'wɔ:dz] prep. 往; 向; 朝……方向

knock[nɔk] v. 敲

door [dɔ:(r)] n. 门

answer['ɑ:nsə(r)] v. 应门; 回答

push[pʊʃ] v. 推

enter ['entə(r)] v. 进入

bowl[bəʊl] n. 碗

hungry ['hʌŋgri] adj. 感到饿的; 饥饿的

right [rait] adj. 合适的; 恰当的

finish ['finiʃ] v. 吃完; 喝完; 用尽

either ['aiðə(r)] adv. 也(不)

piece[pi:s] n. 部件; 碎片; 一件/个/张

in pieces破碎

asleep[ə'sli:p] adj. 睡着的

return [ri'tɜ:n] v. 返回; 归还

cry[krai] v. 哭; 喊叫

at first起初; 首先

point[pɔint] v. 指向; 指

point at指着……

shout[ʃaʊt] v. 高声说; 大声喊

jump[dʒʌmp] v. 跳

without[wi'ðaʊt] prep. 无; 没有

part [pɑ:t] n. 部分; 地区; 地方


1. once upon a time 从前

2. in the forest 在森林里

3. look into 向…里面看去

4. knock on the door 敲门

5. a girl with hair of gold 一个留着金色头发的女孩

6. push the door 推开门

7. go for a walk 去散步

8. pick up 捡起,拾起

9. pick some flowers 摘一些花

10. look around 环视,四下张望

11. in pieces 破碎

12. at first 首先,最初

13. sit down 坐下

14. point at 指着

15. walk into the bedroom 走进卧室

16. jump out of bed 跳下床

17. be asleep 睡着

18. go home 回家

19. change into 变成…

20. again and again 一遍又一遍

21. around the world 全世界

22. begin with 以…开始


1. All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.


3. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door.


4. Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again.


5. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them. 在一张桌子上有三个碗,碗里盛着好吃的东西。

6. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it.


7. It was not comfortable either. 它也不舒服。

8. Soon the chair was in pieces.


9. Very soon she was asleep in it.


10. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.


11. Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.



1.Once upon a time…… 从前……


Once upon a time ,there was a Snow White. Once upon a time,there was a king.


(1)adv.曾经,一度 ,常用于故事的开头

The town isn’t as big as it was once.

(2)一次 once more再来一次 once a week一周一次

(3)立刻,马上 at once

【拓展】 long long ago “很久很久以前”

2.decide v.决定

deicide to do sth决定做某事 decide =make up one’s mind

decision decide+宾语从句

He decided to buy a new car.(=He decided that he would buy a new car.)

He decided not to go.

3.go for a walk散步

go for常表示“旅行、远足、野餐、航海”等一类的名词连用,意为“去,进行”

The children are going for a picnic tomorrow.

Do you want to go for a walk after supper?

They often go for walks on weekends.

【拓展】 walk还可作动词,“走路,散步”

He likes walking. Can I walk there from the station?

4.be lost 迷路=get lost

I’m always lost in big cities. Please follow me,or you’ll get lost.


a lost child Try to make up for lost time

5.hurry v.赶紧,急忙

(1)动词 hurry to+地点=go to+地点+in a hurry “急忙去某地”

We hurried to school. We hurried back to office.(=We went back t office in a hurry.)

(2)hurry作名词,“in a hurry (匆忙,赶紧),in no hurry(不急于)”

He left in a hurry.

【拓展】 相关短语 hurry up急忙,赶快 hurry off匆匆离去

6.knock at敲,打

(1)knock V.敲,击,打

The dog knocked the vase off the table. Someone is knocking on/at the door.

(2)knock n.敲,击 Did you hear a knock on the door?


(1) “注意到,看到” notice sb do sth.注意到某人做某事 notice sb doing srh注意到某人正在做某事

They drove by without noticing us. I noticed that she looked,unhappy.

On my way to school,I noticed a wallet lying on the ground.

Just now I noticed him enter the supermarket.

(2)n. 通知,布告

There was a notice in the building about the meeting.

The teacher told us to write a notice about “ask for sick leave”.

8.pick up拾起

Please pick up your toys. We’ll go to the farm to pick up some apples.

【相关链接】pick up

(1)搭载,让某人乘车 The bus stopped and picked up some passengers.

(2/好转,改善 Trade picks up again.

(3)取回 Please pick up my coat for me.

9.look around四周看了看


There were papers lying around all over the floor.

Let me show you around our school.

Don’t look around when you are having lessons.

Look around you when you get on the bus.


answer用法比较普遍,可指口头或笔写的答复。I called,but no one answered.

reply较正式,经过考虑后的答复。They asked me to reply as soon as possible.

answer sb.=reply to sb.

Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house

1.It was not comfortable either.

either adv. 副词,“也”,常用于否定句中

I don’t like English ,either.


“睡着”,强调动作的结果,不能用very修饰,只能用much,fast 等词修饰。反义词“awake”

Don’t talk loud when others are sleep.

The boy asleep is my brother.(asleep作后置定语)


(1)返回=come back He returned to his hometown last year.

(2)归还=give back I’m giving to the library to return my books.

4.There’s nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!

(1)nothing=not……anything 本局同义表达:There is not anything in my bowl.

(2)in pieces “碎片” piece“块,片,张”常作不可数名词的单位,与不同名词搭配,意思不同

a piece of bread   a piece of paper    a piece of music     a piece of news    a pieces of chalk

5.point v.(用手指等)指

point at…… “用手指着……” point to……“指向……”

He pointed at/to the door. It is rude to point at people.

【注意】point ar可以分开使用,构成point sth at sd. 用……指/瞄准……

He pointed the gun at her.


(1)作动词 “尝试,努力,试图”

try to so sth尽力做某事 try not to do sth尽力不去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事

try one’s best尽力 try on试穿

She is trying to draw a horse. You should try taking more exercise.

I’ll try my best to help him. Would you like to try this dress on?


Let me have a try. ——What a hard life my parents live!

7.without prep. “无,没有”

He went to school without having breakfast this morning.

When Daniel heard the news.he jumped with a big smile.

Unit 3 Language in use

1.die v.死 现在分词 dying,过去式died

Her grandma died at the age of 70.



The old man is dying.

Li Feng was dead foe many years,but death can’t bring him away from people’s heart

2.begin with 以……开始,用……开头

Let’s begin with Lesson One. The TV play begins with a beauty.


The teacher began by telling a joke.

3.change into

change作动词,“改变,变化,改革” The village changed a lot.

(1)change into变成 Ice may change into water.

(2)change one’s mind改变注意 At last he changed his mind.




谓语动词为行为动词时,一般过去时的否定的构成为:主语+didn’t(did not)+动词原形(+其他)

We didn’t go to school yeaterday.昨天我们没有去上学。

They didn’t stop working.他们没有停止工作。

He didn’t eat breakfast this morning.今天早上他没有吃餐。


助动词did 没有人称和数的变化,适用于所有的人称。


① 主语(第三人称单数)+doesn’t(does not)+动词原形+其他

② 主语(其他人称)+don’t (do not)+ 动词原形+其他




Dear Sam,

I am Betty.We had a good time last weekend,we went on a school trip to 地点.We first took a bus to there.Then we ate something and sang songs.We enjoyed ourselves a lot.

At last our headmaster suggested us to play a game named" Bingo ",I won a gift,it was a toy car.I think you must like it,so I send you this email.Would you like to come over to my house for the toy car?








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