

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10



Unit 1 What does he look like?

Unit 2 I\\\\'d like some noodles.

Unit 3 How was your school trip?

Unit 4 What did you do last weekend?

Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation?

Unit 6 How often do you exercise?

Unit 7 I\\\\'m more outgoing than my sister.

Unit 8 What\\\\'s the best movie theatre?






1. watch TV                      看电视

2. talk on the phone            在电话上聊天

3. TV show                       电视节目

4. write a letter                写封信

5. read a book/books            读书;看书

6. wait for                     等候;等待

7. talk about sth./sb.        谈论某事(物)/某人

8. some of …              ……中的一些;一些……

9. in the first/second/next/last photo  


10. at the pool                在这个(那个)水池

11. at home                     在家

12. be with sb.                   和某人在一起

13. in this photo                  在这张相片里


1. how’s = how is                 ……怎样

2. the weather in Shanghai         上海的天气

3. in Shanghai/Beijing            在上海/北京

4. play computer games        玩电子(电脑)游戏

5. Uncle Joe                    乔叔叔

6. in picture d                   在图片d中

7. Around The World           环绕世界;世界各地

8. join CCTV’s Around The World show 参加中央电视台世界各地栏目

9. on vacation                   在度假;在假期

10. take photos / a photo           照相;拍照

11. lie on the beach               躺在海滩上

12. look at                      看着……

13. this group of people            这群人

14. people playing beach volleyball    正在打沙滩排球的人

15. look cool                    看起来很酷

16. in this heat                   在这种热度下

17. have a good time           玩得开心;玩得愉快

18. in restaurant(s)                在餐馆里

*19. as usual                    像往常一样,照例

*20. my whole family             我全家


1. look like                   看上去像;长得如何

2. have short/curly/long/straight hair    留着短发/卷发/长发/直发

3. be of medium height             是属于中等身高

4. be of medium build              是属于中等身材

5. in Class Five                      在五班

6. have big eyes                     有一双大眼睛

7. wear a red dress                穿着一条红裙子

8. wear white shoes                   穿着白鞋子

9. the captain of the basketball team篮球队的队长

10. have short straight hair       留着短短的直发

11. be very popular                    非常受欢迎

12. be thin and be of medium height


13. have short curly blonde hai留着短短的金色卷发

14. be (very) good-looking              非常漂亮

15. a little bit                          有点儿

16. be a little bit quiet              有点儿文静

17. tell jokes                            讲笑话

18. be a little bit heavy    有点儿重;有点儿笨拙

19. have beautiful long black hair         有着美丽的黑色长发

20. never do sth.          决不做某事;从不做某事

21. stop talking                        停止说话

22. stop doing sth.                    停止做某事

23. have curly brown hair            留着棕色卷发

34. play chess                            下象棋

35. this person                            这个人

36. wear glasses                         戴着眼镜

37. have a beard                       留着大胡子

38. remember sb.                         记得某人

39. the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair   戴着滑稽的眼镜还留着常常的卷发的流行歌手

40. have a new look                    有个新形象

41. not … any more                      不再……

43. go shopping                           购物

*44. last month                           上个月

1、多久一次            how often

2、去踩滑板            go skateboarding

3、几乎不              hardly ever

4、在周末              on weekends

5、一周一次            once  a  week

6、一周两次            twice  a  week

7、一个月四次          four times a month

8、上网,在网上冲浪    surf the Internet

9、最爱的节目          favorite program

10、这儿是…           here  is/are

11、…的结果           the  result(s) of

12、至于… ;关于…    as for…

13、在格林高中         at Green High School

14、一个星期一两次     once or twice a week

15、一年三四次         three or four times a year

Section B

1、垃圾食品              junk food

2、想要某人做某事        want sb to do sth

3、对…有益/好处         be good for…

4、和…一样              the same as…

5、照看、照顾            look after = take care of

6、饮食习惯              eating habits

7、健康的生活方式        healthy lifestyle

8、取得高分/好成绩         get good grades

9、努力做某事;尽力做某事   try to do sth

10、有点不健康           kind of unhealthy

11、保持健康             keep in good health

                       = keep healthy

12、相当健康             pretty healthy

13、与…不同             be different  from…

提(一些)建议   give  ( some)  advice

感冒             have a cold

发烧             have a fever

(患)头痛       have a headache

胃痛             have a stomachache

牙痛             have a toothache

咳嗽             have a cough

喉咙痛           have a sore throat

背部酸痛         have a sore back

(好好)休息    have a  (good)  rest

躺下并休息      lie down and rest

带有蜂蜜的热茶  hot tea with honey

看牙医          see a dentist

喝大量的水      drink a lot of water

感觉更好        feel better

1. get to school = arrive at school = reach school 到校2. a bus stop                 公共汽车站   a train/ subway station       火车(地铁站)站 3. take the subway            乘地铁4. ride a bike                  骑自行车5. take the / a bus              乘公共汽车6. want to do sth.               想做某事7. take a taxi                    乘坐出租车8. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行上学9. go in one\\\\'s car               坐(某人的)车去10. in North America            在北美11. go by bike / bus / subway / car / train 乘坐……车去12. in other parts of the world     在世界的其他地区13. have a quick breakfast         迅速吃早饭14. depend on                   依靠……决定, 取决于……15. the early bus                 早班车16. how far                      多远

17. take sb. to sp.                带某人到某处18. a number of = many +         可数名词 许多1. clean one’s room              打扫某人的房间

2. go to the beach/pool/mountains   去海滩/泳池/山里

3. go to sp.                    去某地(玩或做事)

4. last weekend/week/month       上个周末/星期/月

5. on Saturday morning/evening/night/afternoon 在星期六的上午/晚上/夜里/下午

6. visit sb.                       拜访/看望某人

7. do some homework/sports         做作业/运动

8. study for the science/math test      为理科/数学考试学习(复习)

9. stay at home                    留在家里

10. have a party                    举行派对

11. do some reading               阅书;进行阅读

12. practice English                 练习英语

13. play the guitar                   弹吉他

14. study geography                 学地理

15. spend the weekend               度过周末

16. middle school                   中学

17. at No.3 Middle School            在第三中学

18. for most kids              对于大多数孩子来说

19. have a (really) busy weekend       有个(相当)忙的周末

20. cook dinner for me                为我做晚餐

21. read a book about history  读一本关于历史的书

22. talk show                        访谈节目

23. see an interesting talk show         看一场有趣的脱口秀节目

24. write a new song                  写首新歌

25. enjoy one’s weekend   享受(喜欢)某人的周末

26. go for a walk (with sb.)   和某人一起)去散步

27. sit down                         坐下

28. watch sb. do sth.      看某人做某事(的全过程)

29. wasn’t = was not              不是(过去时)

30. have no dog and no family    没有狗也没有家人

31. not want to do anything          不想做任何事

32. look tired                        看起来很累

33. play soccer on my computer     在电脑上踢足球

34. watch an exercise video      看一盘体操录像带

35. listen to the baseball game          听棒球赛

*36. have lots of things to do       有许多是要做


1. go to New York City       去纽约市

2. summer camp                 夏令营

3. go to summer camp             去参加夏令营

4. visit museums                 参观博物馆

5. visit sp.                    参观(走访)某地

6. go on one’s vacation           进行某人的假期

7. go to Central Park              去中心公园

8. study for exams               为考试学习(复习)

didn’t = did not    不;没(否定词助动词的过去时)

9. think of                       思考;考虑

10. a bus trip              一次(长途)汽车旅行

11. be awful                     很讨厌的;糟糕的

12. all day                       整天

13. go to a beautiful beach        去漂亮的海滩(玩)

14. have great fun doing sth.         做某事很开心;高兴地做某事

15. play in the water                在水里玩

16. go to a museum                 去博物馆

17. find sb. doing sth.        发现某人正在做某事

18. in the corner                   在角落里

19. help sb. do sth.              帮助某人做某事

20. make sb. feel + adj.            使某人觉得……

21. make sb. do sth.               促使某人做某事

22. walk back to sp.                 走回某地

23. decide to do sth.                  决定做某事

24. all morning                     整个上午

25. have Sichuan food for dinner      晚餐吃川菜

26. the Great Wall                   万里长城

27. the Palace Museum                故宫博物馆

28. Tian’an Men Square               天安门广场

29. make questions about sth.      对某方面提问;提关于某方面的问题

30. ask sb. sth.                       问某人某事

31. discuss (sth.) with sb.     和某人讨论(某事)

32. the best place for a vacation         去度假的最好地方

33. write a report on sth. 写一篇关于某方面的报道

34. stay here                        留在这儿

35. go out                           出去

1. talk show(s)                访谈节目

2. soap opera                  肥皂剧;连续剧

3. sports show(s)               体育节目

4. sitcom (situation comedy)       情景喜剧

5. game show(s)                游戏(比赛)节目

6. stand sb./ sth.              忍受某人/某事(物)

7. can’t stand …                不能忍受……

8. don’t mind … 不介意;不反感;不反对;无所谓……

9. in fact                 实际上;其实;确切地说

10. English Today              今日英语

11. Sports News               体育新闻

12. Healthy Living             健康生活(方式)

13. Culture China              文化中国;中国文化

14. Chinese Cooking            中国饮食

15. Animal World               动物世界

16. 9 o’clock Weekend Talk      九点钟的周末访谈

17. a thirteen-year-old boy  一个十三岁大的男孩儿

18. …-year-old  ……           (几)岁大的

19. agree with sb.               同意某人(的观点)

20. key ring                    钥匙链

21. this week                     这周

22. ask sb. about sth.       问某人关于某方面的事

23. show sb. sth.                给某人展示某物

24. mind the watch              介意手表

25. enjoy doing sth.                   喜欢做某事

26. in the school magazine           在校园杂志上

27. put my letter in next month’s magazine    把你的信放到下个月的杂志里

28. wear colorful clothes      穿着五颜六色的衣服


1. in class                      在课堂上

2. School (Library/Family) Rules   校规(图书馆规章制度/家规)

3. arrive late for class             上课迟到

4. in the hallways                 在走廊里

5. in the classrooms               在教室里

6. listen to music                  听音乐

7. Ms Clark                      克拉克女士

8. wear a hat                      戴着帽子

9. listen to music outside           在外面听音乐

10. in the music room             在音乐房里

11. in the dining hall               在餐厅里

12. eat outside                     在外边儿吃

13. sports shoes                    运动鞋

14. gym class                      体育课

15. the rules at your school       学校的规章制度

16. have to                        不得不;必须

17. after school                     放学后

19. too many rules                     太多规矩

20. every morning                     每天早上

21. be in bed                          睡觉

22. by ten o’clock/10:00            在十点钟之前

23. wash my clothes                    洗我的衣服

24. make dinner                        做晚餐

25. the Children’s Palace                 少年宫

26. learn the piano                       学钢琴

27. never have any fun            从未有任何乐趣;

 28. go to bed                           去睡觉

29. talk loudly                        大声地说话

30. ride one’s bike               骑某人的自行车

*31. so many                       很多;如此多的

*32. hang out with sb.             和某人一起闲逛




1.  What are you doing?          你在过什么?

I’m watching TV.           我正在看电视。

2. What’s he doing?          他在干嘛?

He’s reading.             他正在阅读。

3. That sounds good.          那听起来不错。

4. What’s he taking?          他正在拿什么?

5. What’s he waiting for?       他在等什么?

6.What’s he reading?          他在读什么?

7.Who are Ben and Tim talking to? 本和蒂姆在和谁说话?

8. What are they talking about?  他们正谈论什么?

9. Where are they all going?    他们将要去哪儿?

10. Where is he swimming?     他正在哪儿游泳?

11. Is Tina there? 蒂娜在那儿吗?No, she isn’t. 不,她没在。

12. Here are some …           这儿有一些……

13. Are you surfing?            你在冲浪吗?


1. How’s the weather in … /there?      那儿天气任何?

It’s raining/snowing.                  正下着雨/雪呢。

It’s cloudy/sunny/windy.               是多云的天气(阴天)/晴天/刮风的天气。

2. How’s it going?                    近来怎么样?

Great. /Not bad. /Pretty good. /Terrible!    很好。/还不坏。/相当好。/太糟(可怕)了!

3. some, others …             一些……,其他的……

4. I’m surprised + 从句        我对……很吃惊

5. It’s winter in France.     ( 这时)在法国是冬天。

6. What do you do when it’s raining?       当天下雨时你做些什么?

*7. What is the weather like?      天气怎么样?

*8. Happy New Year!           新年好!


1. What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长什么样?

She is of medium build, and she has long hair.


2. Do you remember …?      你记得……吗?

3. I don’t think he’s so great.     我不认为他是那么的棒

4. Nobody knows me.               没人认识我*

5. Here come the movie actors.     电影明星过来了。

19. Doing sth. takes sb. some time / money.= It takes sb. some time / money to do sth.= sb. spends some time/money (on sth.).= sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.= sth. costs sb. some time/money.= sb. pay some money for sth.    某人花费多少金钱/时间做某事。20. the number of                ……的数量21. worry about (sb. / sth.) = be worried about(sb. / sth.)     为某人(事)着急/担心easye.2000y.net22. around the world = all over the world 世界各地,全世界23. How do you get to school?          你怎么去学校?24. It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.    步行大约需要25分钟,乘公交车10分钟。25. Then the early bus takes him to school.

然后早班公共汽车带他去学校。26. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.    乘公共汽车的路程通常需要大约25分钟。27. How far is it from your home to school?

从你家到学校有多远?28. How long does it take you to get from home to school?    从家到学校你花费多长时间?29. I ride my bike to the subway station.

我骑车去地铁车站。 30. It depends on where you are. 它取决于你在哪里。31. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.    那一定比乘公共汽车上学更有趣。easye.2000y.net32. In North America,not all students take the bus to school.    在北美,并非所有学生坐公共汽车去学校。33. In China,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.    在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最普遍的交通方式。34. What do you think of the transportation in your town?    你认为你们镇上的交通情况如何?


1. What did you do?               你做了什么?

I played tennis.                    我打过网球。

2. What about your friend?           你的朋友怎么样?

What about …?                     ……怎么样?

3. How was your weekend?       你的周末怎样?

It was great/OK.                 很棒/很不错。

It wasn’t very good.               不大好。

4. We asked sb. what he did last weekend.      


5. Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?


6. It was time to go home.          是时候回家了。

It is / was time to do sth.           是该做某事了。


1. Where did you go on vacation?    你去哪儿度假了?

I went to the mountains.            我去爬山了。

2. Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park?  你/他/她/他们去中心公园了吗?

Yes, I/he/she/they did.   是的,我/他/她/他们去了。

No, I/he/she/they didn’t.     不,我/他/她/他们没去。

3. How was your vacation?     你的假期怎么样?

It was pretty good .              相当好。

4. How was the weather?  (那时的)天气怎么样?

It was hot and humid.         闷热而潮湿。

5. How were the beaches?      沙滩怎么样?

They were fantastic.           太好了。

6. How were the people?       人们怎么样?

They were unfriendly.     他们不大友善。

7. Great weather!         好棒的天气呀!

8. The shops were too crowded.  这艘船太拥挤了。

9. He was lost.             他迷路(走丢)了。

10. That made me feel very happy.那使我感到非常高兴。

11. I didn’t have any money for a taxi.



1. What else do you have to do? 你还要干别的什么事?

2. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the piano.   稍后我必须去少年宫学钢琴。

3. No talking! 不许讲话!

*4.You’re lucky! 你好幸运啊!



